Monday, February 20, 2012

Petition to the church

OK...I have an issue with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I can take issue with us because "IRON SHARPENS IRON" and we are to help one another on this journey in being the voice, hands, and feet of God to witness of the only way to everlasting life...right? Good. Glad we are on the same page.

I have discovered recently, more in the last 5-10 years of the 24 years I have been a born again believer, that there is a disturbing trend among us. I work and minister in an environment that is not a "Christian" one to say the least. I work alongside Law Enforcement, and I live with the effects of it 24-7 365 since my husband is still a street Cop. In this world we have a "twisted" sense of humor I guess you could say. A self preservation defense mechanism that helps us cope with the onslaught of the worst of humanity we deal with. So, we try and find humor usually at the most odd moments and situations. There is that sarcastic lexicon that bonds Officers together and keeps their thankless, life threatening job palatable.

I say that to say this: When I go to the house of God  I am running to my hospital of sorts to get replenished, and in a way renewed by being taught by an anointed Pastor, to worship with like minded and the rest of "the part of the body" I am in. I go to get around Disciples of Christ who are working out their Salvation with fear and trembling as I do....learning and leaning on one another as my earthly support and training system. What I am finding recently is an increasing use of "humor" or sarcasm at one an other's expense that hurts my heart, and my spirit. No don't misunderstand...I know the dynamics of speaking i.e.; keeping an audience's attention, keeping people comfortable and engaged. But, when did it become acceptable and even encouraged and supported to use sarcastic humor that demeans others a way to teach? I have heard many, many speakers, Pastors, Professors. and other leaders in the church insult people, nationalities, countries, states, other churches, their staff, even church members! All at the attempt of "humor". I have even been asked by these said leaders to "lean to my neighbor" and repeat what they just said!! NO, NO, NO my beloved! Why has this worldly trend seeped into our pulpits and our pews?!

Are we not called to LOVE one another so that the world will see who Jesus is? That they will know us and HIM by our love for one another!! How does putting down anyone or anything just to make a joke display the love of God?! Me? I love humor, and I can be guilty of dry wit and a quick reply myself. I am known to have a great sense of humor and I do appreciate it. I consider it a character asset. However, having a good sense of humor and making people laugh and be comfortable with you, and enjoy your company does not require a derogatory repertoire of "Momma Jokes" or at the expense of a brother or sister. We are not to be like the world! Now I know I sound a little self righteous...but I make every attempt in my humor to keep it clean and above the belt. I know many friends and colleagues that are hilarious, but never at the expense of someone else.

You know, I might like this blogging thing after all, feels good to write it down. If you are reading this and I have offended you...I hope you will take some time to consider what I have said. Your feelings of offense may be the same conviction of the Holy Spirit that I had years ago when I thought I should join this trend in my humor, even though it made my heart grieve. After all, my Pastor was doing it, my elders were doing I guess that makes it OK. Does it? My blog is not meant to offend but only to voice a sly deceptive and very effective tool the enemy is using to destroy the church from the inside out. I pray you consider it. What does scripture say?

1 Peter 3:8-12 (Message)
Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble. That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—that's your job, to bless. You'll be a blessing and also get a blessing. Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, Here's what you do: Say nothing evil or hurtful; Snub evil and cultivate good; run after peace for all you're worth. God looks on all this with approval, listening and responding well to what he's asked; But he turns his back on those who do evil things.
I love ya, more importantly Jesus loves you! Stay vigilant my friends...the enemy is at the door.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cold afternoon ramblings

Today I must confess my blogging is not as often as I would like! I must discipline my self to journal more, it really does make a difference when you can vent for sure! I found that out on my last blog when I was threateneing to bust a cap. Make that a box of caps!! LOL, anyhoo
I found that my laptop is done, the motherboard is I have to probably borrow some funds from my daughter's savings which makes me feel like scat...but I will have the money from income tax returns I pray to pay her back. I hate having to do that...what can't we be better stewards of our money to have a stash for emergencies like this?! Yes, Dave Ramsey... I hear your dripping sarcasm at this moment even though I know you are very gifted with your knowledge of can be right but very wrong in your tone!

So many things I need to get better at, on a freezing cold day like today, I just wanna stay in the warm covers and zone out. Sure makes my back feel better when I am warm and still but I feel guilty when I just lay there and am not productive with something. I am only two weeks post surgery I know, and when I write that it seems legit...I should be able to chill. Why won't I allow myself to do that in peace?!!

OK, I can't blog anymore nonsense. I need to feed on the word and get some good food to think about instead of my ramblings and my own understanding which is usually NOT what God is thinking for me. So tata for now homeys or whoever may read this besides me. I'm out

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Ever had one of those days when you just want to spend a few hours in a batting cage, or maybe go to the shooting range and empty a box of ammo? Well, today is that day. Maybe it's because I have been worn down with my chronic back pain and recent surgery that has kept me down more than usual...which isn't much to begin with! Maybe it's the change of the seasons and the temperamental Texas weather. It could be an attack of the ruthless enemy trying to defeat and destroy me (now if you believe in God, then the devil is real too. Just a created being, but still a real threat if ignored).  So now that both printers are down, no explanation or repair- just will not print. Now my laptop with all my info and needed article and documents on it has decided not to turn on at all, I sit here on my iPad (Thank you God & Chuck) and try and figure out what I can get done if anything. I have decided to pray against this thing and ask God to intervene. If He does not, then I must need some face to face time with Him without distractions. I am calmer now, thank you for reading and being there to prevent me from causing more injury to myself by going to a batting cage, or showing up at a shooting range, enraged and screaming insults at the enemy as I bust a few caps! That would feel really good, I believe the endorphins would be countless but I know it wouldn't go over well. Me... A Police Chaplain in the screaming like a wild woman at printers and computers, princes of the power of the air, breaking strongholds of the enemy over my life, work, and home..... You know way out there stuff. But it. Does make for a decent blog.... This is much better.... :D all is well.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Passions and Peaves 2

OK... The continuation of my Passion and Peaves that I started last time ended with me revealing my second passion. This is a deeply rooted passion for the men and women of Law Enforcement. My family that is The Thin Blue Line. We are a dysfunctional family, but our functional dysfunction is what makes us family and distinguishes us from all other walks of life. Being a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) is an impossible paradox and I admire them immensly. To do the job well and survive it as a career is a calling...
I have been in "the Life" for about 25 years and been alongside my Chuck as he worked the mean streets of a border town for 10 years, a silly public college as a Lt., at a county hospital, and then back to the mean po dunk streets with a front seat to the greatest show on earth. Yea, we livin high on the hog now boys!

I have noticed some things throughout this university of blood and blue. With all of the enormous risks taken every day. they go to work encumbered by the weight of :
  • citites that don't respect them enough to pay them properly and see that they have proper medical insurance they can afford;
  • watching all the stress, threats and paperwork done last night on hours of overtime is walking the streets like free men;
  • knowing those hours aren't paid as overtime because they probably had to go to court on their day off and that time now prevents OT
  • repeatedly putting thier life at risk for someone who hates them, and ones who call for help expecting them to just arrest the drunk, not the caller with their 50 traffic warrants
  • standing in pouring rain for hours at an accident, and watch drivers continually honk their horns and get frustrated because they can't turn right. nevermind that they just pulled out a mother who died and her baby on her lap was decapitated...but these drivers just shout "why is the street blocked! and Why don't you just do your job!!"
  • carrying around the memories of their fallen brothers. The ones who died as heroes on duty, and the ones who could no longer live with the nightmares in their head this job brings, and chose to die without honor....or media....or even the care and concern of the city they died for.
  • the hyperviligance to consistently be at watch, to always be ready at a moments notice no matter what situation they are take the life of another if necessary, or to sacrifice their own.
These weights grind on thier minds and hearts over time. The consequences are divorce, alcohol, abuse, and suicide. A local Agency near me had 12 suicides by veteran Officers in 2011. I hadn't heard that...and I'm a Chaplain! Many other guys hadn't heard that either, and wondered how many there actually were in our metroplex area?! Do we want to know....we should.

If you aren't a Cop Family, and don't have the privilege of having one in your family I challenge you...
Remember next time you see an Officer to think about what his life is like before you stand in judgement. Could you do it? I know I couldn't, my job is difficult and I am not the one in uniform carrying the gun.
Does he seem rude or cold? He doesn't know you, could he think you have a gun hiding in your lap just waiting to shoot him in the face when he approached your window? Happened to several Officers in this country last year..... Does he seem angry? Has he just left a child abuse and molestation call where a father was beating and molesting his 4 yr old child? Would that make you angry, is an Officer less human than you? They stay pretty proffessional despite the horrors and trauma they look at and deal with every day.

So when I hear people disrespect and ridicule these men and women who choose every day to go out there for makes me sick. My pet peeve? When Christians get upset at Officers for enforcing the law they just chose to break. Don't even get me started....I may have to open up a can...